Savage XR Wiki

All weapons can be blocked. All damage can be blocked. Some beast weapons are very hard to block cause they are instantly, such as rupture or lightning. Some are hard to block cause they do continuous damage such as blaze and surge. Beast ranged weapons require mana. Equip a mana crystal to automaticly replenish your mana over time. Pick up mana crystals to replenish your mana.

In general[]

Beast weapons can be researched by the com if the building where they are researched from is build. This means the com can research several weapons at the same time.

Tier 1 is researchable when the shrine is up. Costs 100? redstone. Tier 1 weapons are free.

Tier 2 is researchable when the lair upgrade to lvl 2 is complete. Costs 200? redstone. Tier 2 weapons cost 250 gold, except for rabid which is free.

Tier 3 is researchable when the lair upgrade to lvl 3 is complete. Costs 300? redstone. Tier 3 weapons cost 500 gold.

If the building required is destroyed, the com can not research the weapons and if there was a research in progess that research has to be restarted. Example: if you loose your last strata shrine, the strata weapons, items and buffs become unavaible and the com for example cant continue researching tempest.

Melee weapons[]

The first column. Not combinable with a ranged weapon, you cant have two weapons equipped. Requires a nexus or becomes unavaible. These weapons are researched in the nexus. This column has the only meelee weapons there are. Nearly all units have a standard melee attack. These weapons add more effects to that standard melee attack.

Beast weapon venom

Tier 1 weapon: The enemy gets a damage over time effect when hit. The poison works even if the attack is blocked. You can poison one target twice, but you can poison several targets at the same time. You cant repoison the same target untill the poison effect has worn out. For best effect, try to poison several targets at the same time. Hit them and then retreat back to safety (out of of melee range) and repoison them when the effect has worn out.

Beast weapon rabid

Tier 2 weapon: Improves your health regeneration. Restores your stamina when you hit an enemy. Excellent melee weapon. Use the stamina to leap around. Avoid being hit and keep hitting enemies to replenish your stamina. If done well you can survive pretty long like that.

Beast weapon carn

Tier 3 weapon: Restores health when you hit a target. Is very powerful if they dont block. If they do block, you have to leap around, meaning you'll end up with no stamina left and die. Combine it with the frenzy item to temporarily fix the stamina problem. With carn you can win a melee fight against everything with ease if they dont block, except behemoths and other beast with carn or rabid.

Entropy weapons[]

The second column. Requires an entropy shrine or becomes unavaible. These weapons are researched in the in the entropy shrine.

Beast weapon chaosbolt
Chaos bolt

Tier 1 weapon: Nearly never used. Effectively fires a very slow *cough* of green goop that deals roughly 100HP of damage to a target. It is best used when close up and even then is not very proficient.

Beast weapon surge

Tier 2 weapon: Ray weapon. Can be used to assist melee teammates, because it makes blocking difficult. 100' range (twice as long as the Flux Gun) and deals a fair amount of damage.

Beast weapon rupture

Tier 3 weapon: Radius damage weapon. It does damage to everyone in a small area. It's good at killing nomads or chaplains. Works well to kill the enemy support units, the nomads that stay back and repeater at your teammates from a distance for example. It isnt so good at killing legionnaires, but it can weaken them.

Strata weapons[]

The third column. Requires a strata shrine or becomes unavaible. These weapons are researched in the Strata shrine.

Beast weapon frost2
Frost bolts

Tier 1 weapon: Scatters, comparable to a shotgun. Does much damage when close to the enemy if it's a full hit. Does pretty good damage against towers too, if they are unshielded.

Beast weapon tempest

Tier 2 weapon: Can be a bit difficult to hit stuff with cause any enemy that is smart and that knows you are aiming at them doesnt stand still, although it is still useful in this application. Excellent to kill ballistas from a distance. It is also very useful in the beginning of the game because it kills nomads in 2 shots(assuming they dont use med packs).

Beast weapon lightning

Tier 3 weapon: Sniping weapon. Not allways researched cause most people dont like the weapon and if too many people on a team are sniping, the team tends to lose ground. The lightning gets researched alot more then the mmb because beast has gates, is cheaper and as the humans cannot leap, they are easier to hit. They dont have to push the enemy back in order to get the enemy base. They can spawn in the enemy base if the gate is successful and well placed. It's also pretty easy to hide somewhere with lighting, cause there are no traces that point back to you when you fire, although it may restrict your vision of the enemy. It goes pretty well together with meleeing teammates. The marksman's bow is considered less effective than lighting for this use.

Fire weapons[]

The fourth column. Requires a fire shrine or becomes unavaible. These weapons are researched in the fire shrine.

Beast weapon ember

Tier 1 weapon: Good weapon. Short range. One of the best weapons early in the game. Does good damage against buildings and siege units too.

Beast weapon blaze

Tier 2 weapon: Basicly sprays embers. Short range as well. Does great damage against siege units. Can be a bit hard to hit enemies with, so combine it with snare. Note that using snare + blaze all the time can make you unpopular cause it's fairly annoying, but beware if they block your blaze, as your attack will be fairly unsuccesful. Nomads stand no chance against a well done snare+blaze, lego's can survive it (block + medkits). They can also relocate if you arent careful, and they may also dodge the snare. Blaze also does a huge amount of damage to siege units, so if you are ever attacked by a siege rush, be sure to have Blaze with you.

Beast weapon fireball

Tier 3 weapon: Charges up. Radius damage weapon. If you hold the mouse button for the max amount of time, it does great damage and has great range. If you click fast it's comparable to blaze. Can be used to kill shield towers from a distance if summoners are unavaible or dont live long enough to kill the shield tower. Also good as a distance block-breaker if you have many units using melee weapons.
